Birth Doula Care

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Serving the Areas in and Surrounding New Braunfels, San Antonio, and Austin

About Us

Hi, I’m Doula Shelby Natalie

Educate ~ Enlighten ~ Empower

First and foremost, I am the Mother of five beautiful blessings from above who cover the crossroads of college on down into toddler hood! Every year and age with them seems to be my favorite. I have had two natural hospital births, and three home births. I have a great deal of experience with Breastfeeding and the multitude of pleasures and challenges that come through that rewarding journey. The beauty and simple complexity of a woman’s ability to grow little miracles astounds me and has become the foundation for my calling and purpose in this life. My passions in the world of pregnancy, birth, and parenthood include education on the many options available to women and their babies, teen pregnancy, support of military families, nutrition, homeopathy, essential oils, nutrition, natural childbirth, home birth, VBAC & HBAC, vaccine awareness, circumcision education, breastfeeding, cloth diapering, baby-wearing, co-sleeping, gentle parenting and a woman’s right to choose and make an informed decision about the birth she wants, above all else


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Birth Doula Care Services

We will have the opportunity to build a connection and bond during our 3 prenatal visits together. We will discuss comfort measures, birth preparation, and answer questions you have along the way. Ideally, we would meet anytime prior to 28 weeks, again between 30 – 32 weeks, and again between 36 – 38 weeks gestation. Upon request, I am happy to accompany you to 1 of your prenatal visits with your care provider (Midwife, OBGYN, Family Practitioner)…Read More.

ASL Doula Care Services

We will have the opportunity to build a connection and bond during our 3 prenatal visits together. We will discuss comfort measures, birth preparation, and answer questions you have along the way. Ideally, we would meet anytime prior to 28 weeks, again between 30 – 32 weeks, and again between 36 – 38 weeks gestation. Upon request, I am happy to accompany you to 1 of your prenatal visits with your care provider (Midwife, OBGYN, Family Practitioner)….Read More.

Postpartum & Overnight Doula Care Services

We will have the opportunity to build a connection and bond during our 3 prenatal visits together. We will discuss comfort measures, birth preparation, and answer questions you have along the way. Ideally, we would meet anytime prior to 28 weeks, again between 30 – 32 weeks, and again between 36 – 38 weeks gestation. Upon request, I am happy to accompany you to 1 of your prenatal visits with your care provider (Midwife, OBGYN, Family Practitioner)….Read More.

Doula Classes

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Natural Childbirth Education Classes

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Breastfeeding Classes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo….Read More.

Essential Oils Classes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo….Read More.

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